Oh dear...I made the mistake of walking down the yarn isle in the craft stores. I've always wanted to learn to knit and crochet but put it on the back burner. Wait, eons ago I did learn to crochet in the Girl Scouts...I think...must do something about those memory lapses. Anyway, any stitches I'd learn have been lost in the recesses of my mind amongst the other 50 kabillion crafts I dabble in. No wait...that was macramé that I learned. Really must do something about the lapses. :)
Well, back to the craft store. I really was only looking for a large yarn needle to repair a bag I've had for some years. I looked around and saw all these beautiful yarns and the seed was planted in the back of my mind. Fast forward a few months and I was on etsy and saw a seller making customer crocheted sweaters. But when I saw the $300 price tag...my muse said uh-uh...you can learn to do that yourself.
(I must interject, being a crafter I never gripe about what others charge for their crafts. I understand and appreciate the time and effort it takes to create. That said, I need to give this a go myself before considering paying that kind of money for a sweater....no matter how beautiful it was.)
So of course this lead me to be on-line looking up tutorials, watching youtube videos and digging through craft supplies, because I was sure I had some crochet hooks somewhere. Ah-ha...I had a full set. Now armed with coupons, tutorials, new books (sigh...I know I already own a small craft library...but I just LOOOOVE books) I headed to the craft stores.
You know how you should not go to the grocery store hungry or without a list...the same applies to a craft store. I don't even wanna get into that one...moving on with all my newly acquired yarn.
So sitting down, I grabbed my hooks, yarn, books and parked in front of the computer screen and proceeded to learn the basic stitches. So far so good. I've got to work on tension, but I'm told that will come in time.
Right now, I'm only working on Crochet....I'm not sure I should have a deadly pair of knitting needles in my hands. Maybe in a few months, I'll start looking at the basics on knitting.
But in the meantime I'm happily hooking away!
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